Jonny Godfrey – Traders Mental Edge Course
Learn to think and act differently to the 90% of traders who lose money in the markets.
What is Traders Mental Edge?
Mental Edge will teach you a systemized approach to your trading psychology. “Over 90% of traders lose money” is a commonly used trading-related statistic that I am sure you’ve heard before. If trading was as simple as having a technical edge, why is it so hard to reach the top 10% and become a profitable trader?
Many traders have a logical systemized trading plan set out, they’ve refined and backtested their strategy to prove its technical edge, and they approach each day in the markets with the best intentions, yet they find themselves repeating the same errors over and over again, crippling their trading account.
When these traders ask their mentor what they should do after going through a losing streak, they’ll likely get a very short response. “stick to your plan”, “stop acting from your emotions”, typically wrapped up by informing you you’ve learned your lesson and now the future is so exciting! Meanwhile, you’re sitting there perplexed, contemplating what this lesson you’ve supposedly learned is.
The problem with this scenario is that you’ve learned nothing that will instill change in your actions. There’s little recognition or discussion of the psychology behind why you made the decisions you have, let alone a system discussed to correct them. It’s likely not the first time it’s happened to you, and it won’t be the last. Not knowing what to do next, you go back to your backtesting, go over previous trades, assuming the technicals will provide you with the answers. They won’t and the cycle of negative behavior will simply continue.
A commonly preached quote is “emotions are your enemy”, and you are told you need to remove all emotions from your trading, becoming some sort of robot, in order to be a profitable trader. This couldn’t be any further from the truth.
“Emotions are not your enemy. They are signals.”
Your emotions are an essential part of understanding your psychology. They are a biological reaction to what you perceive as a threat. Instead of trying to suppress them, which you’ve likely been encouraged to do, you need to acknowledge and use them as signals to learn from and manage with the approach I’ll teach you when they arise in future scenarios. When traders choose not to acknowledge their emotions, they continue running on auto-pilot, leading to the same mistakes, as nothing has changed internally.
What You’ll Learn In Traders Mental Edge Course
MODULE 1: Awareness
Awareness is the first step toward lasting change. You will start by understanding why the brain, shaped by biological wiring and social programming, struggles to perform effectively in a trading environment. Additionally, you will explore how fear and greed impact your trading performance.
MODULE 2: Self-Observation
You will then apply your awakened awareness by observing yourself. Monitoring the community within your mind, a realization that we need to become an observer of our thoughts and what signals our current emotions expose to us
MODULE 3: Development
In this module, you will learn a system to eliminate limiting beliefs and reframe your thoughts when emotions arise, empowering you instead of holding you back. Together, we will reverse-engineer the traits of a successful trader, map your current behaviors, and restructure your natural decision-making process.
MODULE 4: Mastery
The final module of the main course content is about finding Mastery levels of clarity. We will show you how to create a trading plan that you can efficiently follow. Teach you our system of how to effectively journal and put systems in place to make the changes you experience long-lasting
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