The Gamma Mindset Personal Success Program
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Imagine That You Could Flick a Switch in Your Mind and Simply Remove Any Self-Limiting Beliefs, Self-Doubt, Lack of Confidence and Not Feeling Good Enough…
That switch is a New Peak Brain State called The Gamma Mindset
A Scientific Breakthrough in Personal Change
- Eliminate Anxiety and Self-Doubt
- Create World Champion Self-Belief and Confidence
- Clear Limiting Beliefs and Blocks to Money and Wealth
- Eliminate Fear and Procrastination
- Clear Limiting Beliefs and Blocks about Goal Achievement and Success
- Clear the Fear of Failure and the Fear of Success
The Gamma Mindset Personal Success Program ©
A 7 Week Program to Eliminate Anxiety, Fear and Self-Doubt and Create World Champion Self-Belief, Confidence and High Performance.
Section 1 – Clearing the 7 Key Blocks to Success and Integrating the Core Beliefs.
Fully Guided Video and Audio Sessions:
Session 1 – Clearing Blocks to Change
At some level most people have learned to believe that change is hard, difficult and painful. Whilst sometimes change can be hard – as in a relationship breakup, making personal changes in your attitude, self-belief and ability to achieve your goals is easier than ever before.
In a world changing as fast as ours, if we want to be healthy, happy and successful, being able to flow and thrive with change is essential. This starts by having empowering subconscious beliefs and thinking patterns about your ability to change.
Session 2 – Eliminate Anxiety
This is the most powerful and effective way to clear anxiety available today. You do a specific guided EFT-x on Anxiety followed by creating the peak brain state with The Gamma Mindset. This completely ‘re-wires’ your anxiety circuits so they cannot get activated in the same way and inner calm becomes your baseline state.
Session 3 – Eliminate Self-Doubt
Self esteem and confidence is the foundation for a successful life. High self-esteem and unstoppable confidence feels good. You feel deep in your gut that you can achieve and create your life the way that you want it no matter what happens. You can speak with anyone, anywhere and feel mentally and emotional balanced with a lightness and joy in your body.
Session 4 – Stop Procrastination
What are beliefs anyway? You could say they are software programs of potential. But software programs do not run themselves, they need someone to push the right buttons – to take action. You need powerful beliefs about taking action because procrastination kills achievement and success. You need empowering beliefs to be motivated to take the necessary action to create your life the way that you want it.
Session 5 – Money and Wealth
Let’s face it we all would like more money. Money gives us more choices and a better lifestyle. So many people have limiting beliefs about having more money, deserving more money, being able to create more money and so on. Integrating these beliefs changes your relationship to money and you see it more as another form of energy without any negative associations. This is the first step to having more money in your life and having the improved lifestyle that it brings.
Session 6 – Failure and Success
Many people, perhaps all of us at some level have a fear of failure. A small bit of fear here is a good thing – to get to us take action, but intense feelings of failure have to be eliminated if you want to be successful. Interestingly over the years of testing 1000’s of people it is amazing to see how many people have a block to being successful. This guided video session allows you to clear both in minutes.
Session 7 – Goal Achievement and Success
The reality is that most people fall short on achieving their goals. We set a goal with motivation and positive thinking only to find that sometime later, we lose that motivation, drive and focus. Maybe we change the goal, lower our target or justify why we couldn’t achieve it. New years resolutions are a prime example.
The biggest reason goals do not happen is a simple a lack of belief, especially when things take some work and effort. To make your goals a reality, you need unstoppable belief in yourself and your abilities and have your subconscious mind working for you not against you.
Section 2 – Gamma Subconscious Re-Programming to Maximise Your Results and Success.
In the Gamma Mindset Program you get step by step follow along audio sessions:
Session 1 – Thrive with Change
Over 90% of people I have tested have some sort of subconscious block or fear about change. These are very limiting reactions that need to be cleared if you want to thrive in a world where change is faster than ever before. Maintaining balance and being able to flow with change is crucial if you want to be successful in todays world.
Session 2 – Inner Peace and Calm
This is a really powerful session that programs your subconscious mind so that inner peace and calmness becomes natural for you and more of your baseline state. As you become quieter and more balanced inside you have easier access to your skills, knowledge, and experience. Your intuition increases and you make the best decisions and stay in flow.
Session 3 – World Champion Self Belief and Confidence
Clearing the self doubting emotional reactions – that empty feeling in your gut – those negative inner voices that create self doubt throughout your body is a must if you want to be successful and in flow. Using this process you can eliminate self doubt and lack of confidence in any area of your life allowing your potential to expand and show yourself and your abilities to the world at a whole new level.
Session 4 – Taking Action
You can be the most confident person in the world with amazing knowledge…BUT if you do not take action then obviously your success is not going to happen. This session makes taking action the most natural and easy thing for you. Each day you look forward to getting a step closer to your goals by consistent action that excites you and makes you feel alive.
Session 5 – Money and Wealth
In 1000’s of people I have not tested one person who does not have some sort of block to money and wealth. I have seen multi-millionaires on my couch that still have blocks to making more money ! Step 1 to making more money is to eliminate all the fears, doubts, deservedness, can / cant, good enough / not good enough, don’t know how to… etc and update your subconscious beliefs about money and then you can flow with new ideas to make it happen.
Session 6 – Mindsets of Highly Successful People
Integrating the beliefs and thinking patterns of highly successful people gives you a shortcut to success. Having these flowing through your mind and body allow you to think, feel and act at a higher level creating new ideas and allowing you to think of new opportunities and make them happen like successful people do.
Session 7 – Goal Achievement and Success
In a recent survey of over 500 people – over 60% said they had limiting beliefs and blocks about achieving their goals. It is hard work trying to make your goals happen when you have your subconscious mind working against you. When you clear the blocks and align your subconscious beliefs with your goals, you think at a higher level – see opportunities that previously seemed hidden to you, and make achieving your goals a natural process.
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