Feedback is Fuel

Feedback is FuelBecome better at giving and receiving feedback in the workplace


  • There are no prerequisites for this course. For the best learning outcome, you should complete the activities in the course and practice with your colleagues.


Have you ever been part of a feedback conversation that didn’t go very well? One that didn’t seem to have a purpose or plan? One that seemed grounded in critique instead of growth?

Yeah? Me too. The ability to give and receive feedback in an impactful, respectful, and truly helpful way is so important to being successful in our jobs, yet many people struggle with this fundamental skill. Many people find it so difficult to give feedback that they avoid it entirely, and they are terrified of receiving feedback. When feedback is avoided, however, bad behaviors are never corrected, workplace resentments grow, and people are left to wonder whether they’re doing a great job or a terrible job.

In this course, the Udemy L&D team shares some top tips on how to improve your experience with feedback, both giving it and receiving it!

In “Feedback is Fuel” you will:

  • Establish a framework for giving all kinds of feedback (SBI Model)
  • Identify WHERE, WHEN and HOW to give feedback
  • Develop a growth mindset associated with giving and receiving feedback
  • Reduce the fear and anxiety associated with giving and receiving feedback

In this course you will not only learn a framework for giving impactful affirmative and constructive feedback that people at all levels can use, you will practice having feedback conversations with real workplace scenarios and learn practical tips on how to receive feedback. I’m thrilled to invite you to be a part of this engaging online training!

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to feel more comfortable giving and receiving feedback, especially in the workplace.
  • People who want to use the feedback they’re given to grow and develop professionally and personally.
  • People who want to develop a better feedback culture at their company.
  • This course is for people at all levels within their organization (individual contributors and managers).

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